Software | Description | Available versions |
ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig | Convert a bedGraph file to bigWig format. | 377 |
ucsc-bedsort | Sort a .bed file by chrom,chromStart. | 377 |
ucsc-bedtogenepred | convert bed format files to genePred format. | 377 |
ucsc-bigwigmerge | Merge together multiple bigWigs into a single output bedGraph. | 377 |
ucsc-bigwigtowig | Convert bigWig to wig. This will keep more of the same structure of the | 377 |
ucsc-fatotwobit | Convert DNA from fasta to 2bit format | 377 |
ucsc-genepredtogtf | Convert genePred table or file to gtf. | 377 |
ucsc-userapps | a variety of executables that perform functions ranging from sequence analysis and format conversion, to basic number crunching and statistics, to complex database generation and manipulation | 364 |
ucsc-wigtobigwig | Convert ascii format wig file | 377 |
umap-learn | Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection | 0.4.6 |
umi_tools | Tools for dealing with Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) / Random Molecular Tags (RMTs) | |
unblur | align the frames of movies recorded on an electron microscope to reduce image blurring due to beam-induced motion | 1.0.2 |
unicycler | Hybrid assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes | 0.4.8 |